by Gemma King | What makes horror horrifying? For the most part, gruesome images don’t suffice to give us goose bumps. As parody films have taught us, simply inserting a serial killer into a narrative doesn’t automatically make us afraid. Contemporary programs like Hannibal have also shown us that violence…
Gemma King
by Gemma King | Over the last few years, television has given us many refreshingly strong, complex, and inspiring women. Parks and Recreation’s Leslie Knope, Mad Men’s Peggy Olsen, Jessica Jones’s title heroine and (despite some problematic scenes) Game of Thrones’s Daenerys Targaryen are powerful and inspirational TV ladies, all for…
by Gemma King | Over the last few years, a number of clever workplace comedies have cropped up on our screens. Programs like The Office, Brooklyn Nine Nine and even meta culture projects like Community see the humour in the most banal of workplace settings. These shows frequently use single-camera…